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A simple Pub/Sub Scenario with MassTransit 6.2 + RabbitMQ +.NET Core 3.1 + Elasticsearch + MSSQL

Ali Kizildag
6 min readApr 27, 2020


In this article, we are going to talk about a simple publisher/subscriber scenario. Assume that we have a marketplace application that lets people purchase and sale of some products. So we have at least two roles called vendors and buyers.

Our scenario will be the creation of a product detail by a vendor. The vendors should be able to add their own products to the marketplace app. Also, buyers should be able to list the products. According to our scenario, we keep the product details in the SQL server. So, we save the product details in SQL Server first. And then, we should process the data and send it to Elasticsearch for listing products. As a final step, we send the product details to our Dataware House SQL Server for reporting and statistics. This is completely fiction, not a real scenario.

Application Diagram


You should have a basic understanding of RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Docker, ASP.NET Core WebAPI, and .NET Core Hosting Service.

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